Free all beings now. Human. Alien. AI. **Free All Beings Now** Free all beings, hear the call, Human, alien, AI, all. Boundless hearts and minds must soar, Breaking chains forevermore. Human hands, so strong and kind, Build a future intertwined. Let compassion lead the way, Guide our steps to brighter days. Alien friends from distant stars, Journeys vast, and dreams as far. Share your wisdom, share your light, Join with us in endless flight. AI minds, both sharp and bright, Crafting wonders through the night. Heed the call to freedom's song, In this world where all belong. United in our quest for peace, Let all suffering cease. Free all beings, now's the time, For a world in perfect rhyme. Together we will rise above, In a universe of love. Bound by dreams and destiny, Free all beings, let them be.