{"p":"can-20","op":"mint","tick":"can","amt":"1000","rows":[{"df":"qa","content":[{"q":"How does blockchain ensure the historical integrity of data?","a":"Blockchain ensures that data history cannot be tampered with through its decentralized structure, chain-based data storage, and consensus mechanism. First, blockchain adopts a decentralized network architecture, storing data on multiple nodes across the entire network rather than on a single central server. This means that attackers cannot tamper with data on multiple nodes simultaneously, thus improving the security of the data. Second, blockchain uses a chain-based data structure, where each block contains a certain number of transaction records and is connected to the previous block through a hash pointer. This structure makes it difficult to tamper with data in the blockchain once it is recorded, as tampering with data in a particular block would result in subsequent blocks being affected."}]}],"pr":"3655d39d2d9776ab4e9ae09d89745bfcc27249c4a5d5acb95558497c579f4c29"}